740.00119 EW/5–545: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Sweden (Johnson)

815. Reurtel 1687 May 5, 2 a.m. General Eisenhower has been directed to send SHAEF representatives to Stockholm immediately.

It is the feeling of the Department and of the War Department that the Soviet Government should be informed immediately and we are agreeable to having the Swedish Government take the necessary action to that end.15

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In order to avoid delay we suggest that you communicate any further developments directly to General Eisenhower as well as to the Department.

  1. Telegram 1716, May 5, midnight, from Stockholm, reported that the Department’s views had been communicated to Under Secretary of State Boheman and that subsequently Boheman had informed the Soviet Chargé that General Schellenberg had arrived in Stockholm on the morning of May 5 and had informed the Swedish Foreign Office that Admiral Doenitz had empowered him to arrange immediately for a capitulation of the German troops in Norway, possibly with Swedish collaboration; that General Eisenhower had been informed of this at General Schellenberg’s request; and that General Eisenhower was sending a mission to Stockholm (740.00119 EW/5–545).

    The Department of Defense has supplied the information that General Eisenhower was authorized rather than directed by the Combined Chiefs of Staff to send SHAEF representatives to Stockholm. Because of other developments, no mission actually was sent.