740.0011 EW/4–1945: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Sweden (Johnson)
752. In recent conversation with me4 the Norwegian Ambassador indicated that his government had received information to the effect that in conversations with Swedish authorities you and your British and Soviet colleagues had supported the position taken by the Swedish Government on the Norwegian request for mobilization. He expressed the hope that we would alter our position and recommend to [Page 79] the Swedes that the army be promptly mobilized and moved to the frontier. It has been ascertained that this assumption was based on Minister Esmarch’s reports to the Norwegian Government. The Norwegians here have been assured that no such support was given by you and that while you reported fully your conversations with Günther and Esmarch, you gave them no indication whatsoever that the American Government approved or disapproved of the Norwegian démarche.
For your strictly secret information, the advisability of approaching the Swedes with a view to securing their intervention in Norway is under consideration by the Combined Chiefs of Staff at the present time.
- See memorandum supra.↩