740.00119 Control (Rumania)/2–2745: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the American Representative in Rumania (Berry)
93. On February 24 the Department instructed Harriman to inform the Soviet authorities that we wished to see political developments as they affect the form of government in Rumania take an orderly course under the direction of the ACC (reurtels 14064 and 142 February 2765). He was to say that if events should develop along contrary lines, we think there should be full consultation among the three principal Allies as contemplated in the Crimea Declaration on Liberated Europe. He was to use as background the Department’s 90 to you of February 24, 10 p.m. More specific instructions were sent to him yesterday, as repeated to you in Department’s 92.66
Please inform Vyshinsky both of the substance of the Department’s telegrams of Saturday67 and of the fact that Harriman was yesterday authorized to make further representations at Moscow. You may say to him that your Government considers that the public responsibility of the three Allied Governments in the light of the Crimea Declaration requires that there be full consultation among them on matters of this kind. You may also say that up to the present moment this Government has received no information from the Soviet Government regarding its views or proposals on dealing with the Rumanian situation, but we hope that the Soviet authorities in Rumania will take no decisive action in the matter until apprised of the results of such consultation among the three Allied Governments.
In amplification of our view set forth in numbered paragraph 2 of Department’s 90 you may tell Vyshinsky that we would not necessarily [Page 486] press for the continuation in power of the present government or for the inclusion of any particular individuals in a new government, but we believe that the stated Allied policy of assisting the people of former Axis satellite states hi Europe to form interim governmental authorities broadly representative of all democratic elements requires the maintenance of a coalition including all major political parties.
Sent to Bucharest, repeated to Moscow.
- See footnote 57, p. 481.↩
- Not printed; it reported that Vyshinsky had arrived in Bucharest on February 27 and had been received the same evening by the King. Vyshinsky reportedly stated that the Radescu government had shown itself unable to maintain order. In the name of the Soviet Government, which had the responsibility to maintain order behind the fighting front, Vyshinsky asked that the Radescu government be dismissed and replaced by a government representing “the truly democratic forces of the country.” (740.00119 Control (Rumania)/2–2745) Telegram 144, February 28, noon, from Bucharest, reported that Foreign Minister Visoianu had personally confirmed the information transmitted in telegram 142 (740.00119 Control (Rumania)/2–2845).↩
- See footnote 61, p. 484.↩
- February 24.↩