740.00112 E.W./2–1545
The Norwegian Ambassador (Morgenstierne) to the Secretary of State
The Ambassador of Norway presents his compliments to His Excellency the Secretary of State and has the honor to ask for the Secretary’s kind assistance in the following matter:
The Norwegian Government desires to have transported from Sweden to Norway 10,000 tons of grain seed for distribution to Norwegian farmers. This quantity would be taken out of stock piles in the possession of the Norwegian Ministry of Supply at present stored in Sweden. The grain would be sent to Norwegian [Norway?] in sealed sacks and would nominally remain the property of “Svenska Norgeshjälpen” (Swedish Aid for Norway) until the sacks reach the individual farmers. Distribution in Norway would be effected through the agencies of the Norwegian Grain Monopoly which have always proved trustworthy and would be strictly controlled by representatives of the Swedish donator committee. Thus, all possible precautions would be taken to prevent the grain from being used by Germans for other purposes, and the transaction would not interfere with the obligations of the occupation authorities to furnish Norway with grain.
It is of the utmost importance that the consent of the proper Allied authorities be given as soon as possible so that the grain may reach the farmers in time for the Spring sowing. It is, of course, of great importance that the crops in Norway reach as great proportions as possible, as successful crops will imply relief of the shipping situation in Europe.
The matter has already been taken up with the Allied blockade authorities in London and Stockholm. The Norwegian Ambassador would be grateful if the Secretary of State would give the matter his best recommendation.