860.C.01/6–1545: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Harriman)

1312. Dept is of the opinion that the proposals made by Mikolajczyk, as reported in Schoenfeld’s 201, June 14, to you,11 are reasonable in view of the inability of Witos to attend the consultations. Dept feels that any one of the three alternatives proposed by Mikolajczyk are acceptable and, if you concur, suggests that you should take up with the Commission which one of the alternatives should be accepted. You should press to have at least one of them accepted in order that the consultations may begin as soon as possible.

Dept does not feel that anything would be gained by backing the British suggestion that Popiel be selected to take the place of Zakowski.

Reurtel 2092, June 15, Dept is telegraphing Winant and Sehoenfeld, instructing them to impress upon Mikolajczyk and Stanczyk that they must proceed to Moscow immediately and to inform them that you have been instructed to urge the Soviet Government to accept one of Mikolajczyk’s three proposals in the event it proves impossible to bring Witos to Moscow.

Repeated to London for Sehoenfeld as Poles 21.

  1. Same as telegram Poles 67, June 14, 7 p.m., from London, p. 340.