860C.01/6–945: Telegram

The British Prime Minister (Churchill) to President Truman

80. Thank you for your, numbers 58, 5993 and 63 about the Polish negotiations. I assume that you will have received my numbers 72 and 73 which contained my views in this matter in the light of our consultation with Mikolajczyk.

I have also heard from our Ambassador at Moscow about Harry Hopkins’ latest conversation with Stalin on the 6th June. I agree with you that he has obtained the best solution we could hope for in the circumstances, although he has not obtained substantial satisfaction on any of Mikolajczyk’s points summarized in my Number 73. The Foreign Office have explained the resulting situation to Mikolajczyk who confirms that he and Stanczyk are still ready to go to Moscow in response to an invitation from the Commission of Three. As regards the third Pole from abroad, he has expressed a preference for Stalin’s new candidate Zakowski rather than Kolodzei. I have accordingly instructed Clark Kerr to inform Stalin that I confirm my [Page 335] acceptance of the following list of candidates to be invited by the Commission: Mikolaczyk, Stanczyk, Zakowski, Witos, Zulawski, Kutrzeba, Krzyanowski, and Kolodzeiski plus three or four representatives of the Warsaw Provisional Government. I am telling our Embassy at Washington to show to the State Department for your information the instructions which I have sent to Clark Kerr.

  1. Message No. 59, June 6, not printed; it quoted President Truman’s message No. 283, June 5, to Mr. Hopkins, p. 326.