740.00119 Control (Austria)/5–1445: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Yugoslavia (Patterson)

88. In concert with your British colleague, please address Marshal Tito substantially as follows:

“In carrying out the Moscow Declaration on Austria, dated November 1, 1943,78 the American, Soviet, British and French Governments [Page 1320] have elaborated plans for the occupation of Austria within its 1937 frontiers by forces of the countries just named. In accordance with these plans, the forces of the four countries are now in process of effecting the occupation of the 1937 territory of Austria. It is therefore requested that any Yugoslav forces now in that territory be withdrawn, and that the Yugoslav Government adhere to the 1937 frontier between Yugoslavia and Austria pending final determination of frontiers in the general peace settlement.”

For your own background information the plans referred to in the foregoing message have not yet been finally agreed, but all four powers have already expressed in the European Advisory Commission tentative agreement in principle to having those plans call for occupation of all of Austria by American, Russian, British and French forces, with allocation to British forces of all of Carinthia and of Steiermark79 with the exception of the Burgenland. Soviet forces would occupy the Burgenland and Lower Austria; U.S. forces Salzburg and upper Austria (except perhaps that part of it north of the Danube, which the Russians wish to occupy) and French forces the Tirol and Vorarlberg.

  1. See Protocol of the Moscow Conference, annex 6, Foreign Relations, 1943, vol. i, p. 761.
  2. Styria.