740.00119 Control (Italy)/5–1245: Telegram
Mr. Alexander C. Kirk, Political Adviser, Allied Force Headquarters, to the Secretary of State
[Received May 13—1:33 a.m.]
2112. Following is summary of a G–269 appreciation of current situation in Carinthia.
Yugoslavs continue infiltrate southern Carinthia and it is probable that bulk of Yugoslav 14th Division is now there. Troops have orders to occupy at least up to Drava and it is clear they intend to establish de facto claim to area. Even if solution is found to immediate problem of Venezia Giulia infiltration of Carinthia is likely to continue if only in anticipation of eventual plebiscite.
Situation differs from Venezia Giulia in that Anglo-American troops already possess main strategic points such as Villach and Klagenfurt. If this area can be held in force it should be possible to prevent situation deteriorating further. On other hand, if Anglo-American troops are inadequate either military or political solution to problem will be difficult to obtain. Parallel case is cited of recent events in Greece when EAM70 ceased to collaborate and resorted to a coup d’état when they realized inadequacy of British forces there.71
Yugoslav penetration into British Zone in Austria has increased Eighth Army commitment requiring reestimate of garrison for British Zone in Austria.