740.00119 Council/12–1745: Telegram

The Secretary of State, Temporarily in Moscow, to the Acting Secretary of State

4195. Delsec 7. Reurtel Secdel 8 and Delsec 4.97 We took up with Bevin the question of sending similar instructions to the British Ambassador at Belgrade. British do not wish to send such instructions, but we have told them that we propose to follow the procedure outlined by the Department and they are quite agreeable. You may, therefore, proceed as outlined in Secdel 8 first concerting with the British Foreign Office as to date of public announcement of the two replies to the Yugoslav notes and the Dept’s instructions to Patterson.98

  1. Delsec 4, December 16, from Moscow, not printed; it informed the Department that the Secretary approved the proposed note to the Yugoslav Embassy and the proposed instruction to Ambassador Patterson (740.00119 Council/12–1645).
  2. The instructions sent to Ambassador Patterson on December 22 are printed in the Department of State Bulletin, December 23, 1945, pp. 1020–1021.