611.60D31/6–745: Telegram
The United States Representative in Finland (Hamilton) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 8—1:48 p.m.]
293. With conclusion recent Finnish Brit trade arrangement it appears opportune to review Finnish foreign trade position.
Since Sept armistice and especially Dec reparations agreement with USSR Finns have been energetically exploring all possibilities to get supplies credits from foreign countries such as Sweden, Russia, England, USA and Denmark.
Sweden has furnished substantial supplies and credits. Finns have made two commodity exchange arrangements with Russia and most recently one with Brit. Gartz goes to Moscow again in couple weeks when reportedly he will offer Russia in return for additional Russian supplies remaining Finnish exports paper products for this year with [Page 651] exception small amount needed to buy certain items from Denmark. Thus the relatively small quantity of Finnish exports for this year remaining after reparation exports are taken care of are already potentially obligated to Russia, England and Denmark. Finnish exports to England, Denmark relieve demand on other supply sources. There will be little if any Finnish exports available for USA. Whatever Finland obtains from USA or other countries cannot be paid for at present with goods and must be paid for with goods to be delivered directly or via multilateral trade at some later period when Finnish production increases as planned for to normal capacity. Finnish trade orbit for present aside from reparations has settled down in line with natural geographical factors. Finnish expectancy of trade with USA appears based on use of unexpended credit balances in USA and on possible new credits granted perhaps against subsequent deliveries Finnish wood products.