875.01/12–145: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Representative in Albania (Jacobs)
118. Reurtel 208 Dec 1. Dept is not disposed, on basis of considerations advanced by Hoxha, to modify further its request for assurances from Albanian authorities regarding continuing validity of treaties and agreements in force between US and Albania on April 7, 1939.
It is desire of Dept, however, that Gen Hoxha should understand clearly that request for such assurances is not to be construed as indicating unwillingness on part of US Govt to entertain proposals which Albanian Govt may subsequent to recognition wish to initiate looking toward changes in or termination of existing agreements or conclusion of new agreements. In this connection it should be noted that most of treaties in question contain articles which set forth specifically procedure to be followed in their denunciation or termination.
If in your opinion above aspects of situation are not fully appreciated by Hoxha, or if you think reiteration of them by way of emphasis would be helpful, please convey to him informally substance of foregoing paragraph.