874.00/7–645: Telegram

The United States Representative in Bulgaria (Barnes) to the Secretary of State

340. In my tel of June 102 I expressed view that for time being no progress toward final solution Dimitrov case could be hoped for. Nearly a month has passed, during which nothing really significant has occurred although in interval numerous of militiamen posted around property where I live have sought to intimidate my servants and other employees on place. Some have even gone so far recently as to suggest the militia will if necessary find means of “doing away” with Dimitrov while still a “guest” or will take him by force and later satisfy protest by claiming that irresponsible underlings involved have been disciplined. Since ejection of Bumbarov from Cabinet (re my tel July 6),3 guards around property have been increased and for the first time uniformed militiamen have been stationed immediately opposite entrance.

I still feel the only acceptable solution is departure of Dimitrov from Bulgaria. Therefore urge that Dept authorize me to notify Govt in writing (perhaps should stress here that Bulgaria declared war on us and was brought to heel by our war efforts and not by Russia’s dubious declaration of war) that the US expect[s] Bulgaria authorities to issue the necessary orders permitting departure of Dimitrov. If Dept has other views it would be helpful to know them.

Rptd to Moscow as 18.

  1. No. 308, not printed.
  2. No. 339, July 6, 3 p.m.; an extract of this telegram is printed in Conference of Berlin (Potsdam), vol. i, p. 401.