874.00/6–2045: Telegram

The United States Representative in Bulgaria (Barnes) to the Secretary of State

328. Regent Ganev has just told me that during the past 3 days PriMin Georgiev has appeared less yielding to Communist pressure for the ejection of the Agrarian Ministers and the Socialist Cheshmedjieff from the Cabinet. He thinks that the PriMin has been impressed with the argument that the Zveno leaders in the present govt [Page 261] may fall between two stools if they become too amenable to Communist pressure while at the same time Russia may be giving ground in Eastern European affairs before the pressure of the US and Britain. Ganev therefore has some hope that the Communists may be held in check until the effects of the understanding to be arrived at the forthcoming meeting of the Big Three can be felt here. He is also hopeful of being able to hold off general elections until Oct which would provide a reasonable period of time before the beginning of the electoral campaign for the decisions of the Big Three to have their effect on local political situation. The Regent expressed regret that he had not been able to make any noticeable progress toward a decision in favor of departure of G. M. Dimitrov from the country but he said that he did feel that the Communists are now less agitated about Dimitrov having found refuge in my house and therefore less inclined to insist upon immediate and drastic action in the matter.

Rpted to Moscow as 174.
