874.00/6–245: Telegram
The United States Representative in Bulgaria (Barnes) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 2—10:18 a.m.]
290. Since the conversation reported in my 285, May 31, the Sr. Regent Ganev has been working strenuously for a solution to the Dimitrov case along the lines I have supported from the outset, that is, the departure of Dimitrov under the guarantee of refraining from political activity against the present Bulgarian Govt. The Regent believes the Govt may shortly be ready to make a statement in the following sense: while regretting the fact that Dimitrov found refuge in my house the Bulgarian Govt is not opposed to the departure of Dimitrov from Bulgaria on condition that he will not be afforded the means by radio, by the press or in any other public way of engaging in political demonstration against the Govt of Bulgaria. Ganev has obtained a promise of cooperation in this matter from the Communist Regent Pavlov who will undertake to bring the Communist leaders around to this point of view.
I do not believe that because of the foregoing the Dept should refrain from consultation with the Brit Govt on the subject of publicity as suggested in my tel 288, June 1, but I do believe these new developments justify the request by me that no revelation be made by either Govt of the facts in the case before I have had time to report further.
Rptd to Moscow as 148.