874.00/5–2945: Telegram

The United States Representative in Bulgaria (Barnes) to the Secretary of State

281. In my conversation of last night with the PriMin and the Min of War (Remytel 280, May 28 [29]) I could not refrain from repeating the charge of dishonesty against the MinFonAff (re end of third paragraph my tel 277, May 27). At the close of the conversation both Ministers pleaded with me not to be so harsh in my judgment of the MinFonAff. They said that they were sure that he had acted in the best of faith and when the text of his communication to the Russians was available I would be convinced of this. At 3 o’clock this morning the text of that communication was conveyed to Gen’l Crane in a letter from Gen’l Biryusov. It proves the perfidy of MinFonAff. In translation letter from Biryusov reads as follows:

“I have the honor to inform you that I have received from the MinFonAff [and] Cults and Commissar for the fulfillment of the armistice terms the following note:

To: Colonel Gen’l Biryusov, Deputy Chairman ACC in Sofia.

Dear Colonel Gen’l: The Bulgarian Govt has the honor to inform the honorable ACC that on the 24 of May 1945 at 0400 hours at the home of the American Political Rep in Bulgaria, Mr. Maynard Barnes, appeared the Bulgarian [Page 238] citizen Mr. G. M. Dimitrov, the former Secretary of the Bulgarian Natt Agrarian Union. Mr. Dimitrov was under house arrest at his home at Grafignatievst under the order of the Bulgarian Govt.

“Although he was guarded by Militia men Dimitrov climbed through a window and at night walked to the house of Mr. Barnes which is located outside the limits of the city on the road towards the village of Dragelevtsi.

“Mr. Barnes apparently gave refuge to Mr. Dimitrov who escaped from the Bulgarian authorities. The Natl Militia took measures to prevent Mr. Dimitrov’s escape from their control until the true nature of the situation could be established.

“I beg you to intervene before the responsible American authorities in order to determine whether Mr. Dimitrov at the present time is located at the house of the American Political Rep and if true that he be returned to the properly authorized Bulgarian authorities who ordered his arrest.

“The MinFonAff and Cults and Commissar for the fulfillment of armistice terms,

Signed P. Stainov

With respect,

The Deputy Chairman of the ACC in Bulgaria, Col Gen Biryusov

May 28, 1945, Sofia”

Gen. Crane has today replied as follows to the above letter:

Dear Gen Biryusov: Your letter No. 2111 was reed this morning. In accordance with our conversation of yesterday afternoon I note that you make no request for any action. Mr. Barnes is trying to reach a solution to this problem directly with the Bulgarian Govt.


John A. Crane, Major Gen USA Commanding Gen”.

Rptd to Moscow as 140.
