874.00/5–2845: Telegram
The United States Representative in Bulgaria (Barnes) to the Secretary of State
[Received May 28—9:07 p.m.]
278. Following tel is from Genl Crane to JCS sent this evening:
“I called this afternoon accompanied by Black, of Barnes staff, on Gen Biryusov who has just returned from Moscow. I informed the Soviet General of the events of past 5 days with regard to Dimitrov case and explained the view of the US Govt that this was a matter primarily between the American and Bulgarian Govts and that a decision of the ACC would be accepted only if reached on a genuinely tri-partite basis. I also mentioned that negotiations on this subject were now in progress in Moscow.
To this Gen Biryusov replied that while he might have been inclined to intervene had he been here at the time of Dimitrov’s escape he would take no action now until he received instructions from Moscow and would in the meantime regard the incident as one between the American and Bulgarian Govts. He added however that he could in no case consider reaching an ACC decision on a tri-partite basis until he reed instructions that the three powers participating on the ACC had agreed on a new procedure for that body.
Gen Biryusov added that he nevertheless felt it his duty to inform me that Dimitrov had been held under house arrest for a month on a charge of being a “defeatist”, that he, Biryusov, personally believed Dimitrov to be a Fascist who had supported the German cause and that it was his own personal view that Mr. Barnes’ action constituted a “brutal interference” in Bulgarian internal affairs. This statement does not correspond with the documents in this case seen by Barnes and Black.
As regards the Soviet military posts which restricted Mr. Barnes’ movements between his villa and Sofia, Genl Biryusov said that they would be removed immediately. He then repeated his view that this whole matter should remain one between the US and Bulgarian Govts until the receipt of any instructions to the contrary. The tenor of the conversation was entirely amicable.”
Repeated to Moscow as 137.