865.7962/4–1845: Telegram

The Ambassador in Italy (Kirk) to the Secretary of State

987. See my 730 March 16, 6 p.m.71 In reply to Embassy’s memorandum of March 1 inquiring how landing rights referred to in Department’s 354, February 20, 9 [6] p.m. can be acquired at this time, I have now received a memorandum from Italian Foreign Office which in paraphrase is as follows:

Begin paraphrase. Embassy’s memorandum has been given the most careful consideration. Taking into consideration that among all the means of communications which can contribute to economic recovery that of aviation is the one presenting the greatest immediacy and economy, Italy has great interest in the resumption of aeronautical activities in this territory. Studies have already been made by the Ministry of Aeronautics for the designation of three important air bases suitable for the entry of interantional airlines, and it will be glad to grant on such bases landing rights to foreign air services, and particularly to those of the United States on conditions which will be established in the aeronautical convention to be negotiated between the two nations.

  1. Not printed.