740.00119 Control (Italy)/9–845: Telegram

Mr. Alexander C. Kirk, Political Adviser to the Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean Theater, to the Secretary of State

3552. Refer our 3472, September 1, 7 p.m.88 Further investigation of the canvass by threat, bribe and force to gain signatures to petition calling for annexation of Italian territory to Yugoslavia reveals that two distinct petitions are being circulated. Italian language version calls only for creation of an autonomous city of Trieste and its union with Yugoslavia, Slovene version demands union with Yugoslavia of “Istria, Fiume, Trieste, Gorizia, Slovene Littoral, the Veneto and Julian region in general”. Slovene version clearly includes all of Venezia Giulia and could be made basis for claim to large portion of so-called Veneto extending westward from Venezia Giulia as far as Lake Garda and south to Po River.

All available evidence points to Italo-Slovene Anti-Fascist Union as organization responsible for circulation of petitions. This organization professes joint and equal Italian and Slovene representation, but is in fact highly pro-Yugoslav and believed to take directions from Belgrade.

[Page 1197]

Degree of success of canvass is unknown but illegal methods and forms of pressure have been used to obtain signatures. As of August 30, six persons have been arrested in Allied-controlled territory for using threats to obtain signatures, and warnings against unauthorized nature of campaign have been issued in Allied-controlled press.

We have [consented?] in directive to British XIII Corps to take strict measures to suppress all forms of intimidation used to obtain signatures and to give full publicity to illegal aspects of campaign; also in statement to be released to world press on lines of above.

  1. Not printed.