740.00119 Control (Italy)/6–1645: Telegram
The Ambassador in Italy (Kirk) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 16—4:53 p.m.]
1642. See my 1560 of June 10.68 Minister of Foreign Affairs has communicated with me in following sense regarding Venezia Giulia agreement.
(Begin paraphrase) Among other provisions in agreement reached between the British, American and Yugoslav Govt concerning administration of Venezia Giulia on a temporarily military basis as reproduced in newspapers, article 1 provides that the port towns on western coast of Istria including Pola will come under jurisdiction of SACMED. Furthermore, article 3 as published states that Supreme Allied Commander will through AMB [AMG] administer Pola and other zones which he judges necessary on west coast of Istria.
[Page 1185]In addition to Pola there are the following towns, all Italian, on west coast of Istria: Isola, Fasana, Cittanova, Muggia, Rovigno, Orsera, Capodistria, Pirano, Parenzo, Umago. In addition further Italian towns exist in immediate hinterland of western Istria: Gallesano 3 kilometers from coast, Buie 10 kms as well as Visignano, Valle and Montana. It is felt that these towns all of which are west of the principal national highway between Trieste and Pola and which are all entirely Italian should be in the zone under Allied jurisdiction.
It is felt that it would also be fair if when the details of execution of agreement were being discussed it might be possible to establish some type of guarantee for Italians east of demarcation line particularly those residing Fiume. Among guarantees which should be agreed upon are freedom to travel with possessions from one side of demarcation line to the other and the organization of a local committee either Italian or Allied of observers who shall have as their function the surveillance in eastern zone similar to that provided for in agreement of the western zone.
I trust that you shall consider this communication in the spirit in which I write it—that in loyal and honest cooperation with the British and American Govts reach an answer which so far as possible shall conform with equity and fairness.
I desire to reiterate that I comprehend fully the seriousness of the difficulties which this problem has caused and is still causing to British and American Govts and the sincere and strenuous efforts which have been required to overcome these difficulties. Both the Italian people and the Italian Govt are appreciative and grateful. However, as you know this problem involves cutting in to Italy’s living body already so wounded. Therefore, I feel sure that you will realize the sentiments which dictate my asking you to be so kind as to bring these observations urgently to the attention of SACMED so that they may be considered insofar as possible when the implementation of the Venezia Giulia agreement is put in writing.
I need hardly tell you how appreciative I shall be for your assistance. With cordial greetings. Signed De Gasperi. (End paraphrase)
The foregoing has been brought to the attention of AFHQ for discussion at meetings being held in the Venezia Giulia between officers of AFHQ and Yugoslav military officials.
[Controversy between the American and British Governments and that of Yugoslavia with respect to the administration of Venezia Giulia continued. Documentation for the period June 19–27 is printed in Foreign Relations, The Conference of Berlin (The Potsdam Conference), 1945, volume I, pages 840–856. Conference documents and supplementary papers dated July 25–30 are printed ibid., volume II, pages 1213–1222. For references to discussions of this subject in meetings of the Conference, see ibid., volume I, index entries on page 1087. Documents regarding Venezia Giulia printed in these Conference volumes are not reprinted in this volume.]
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