740.00119 Control (Italy)/3–2145: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to Mr. Alexander C. Kirk, Political Adviser to the Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean Theater at Caserta
248. For PolAd.74 In drafting reply of Naf 87275 American members circulated on March 14 a paper which represented the American position on the administration of disputed areas formerly under Italian rule. U.S. draft was in the following sense:
AMG should be established and maintained in compartment of Venezia Giulia (excluding Zara), and city and environs of Tarvis. Civil authorities there will be responsible to AMG. SAC may accept local Yugoslav civil administrations already established by Tito in predominantly Yugoslav localities. He should not however make any commitments to Tito concerning maintenance of his civil administration in localities predominantly Italian. It should be made clear to Tito that AMG will have final authority in establishing local administrations and controlling their composition throughout compartment and that SAC expects cooperation of Tito’s civilian authorities and armed forces in this regard.
SAC’s suggestion that Yugoslav Government be invited to participate in AMG of Venezia Giulia is not approved since Yugoslavia is party to dispute and since Tito has apparently accepted the idea of AMG in Venezia Giulia.
Lines of communication from Pola, Fiume, and Trieste would seem to require AMG in whole Istrian peninsula.
Interim administration of Zara and certain Adriatic islands should be conducted in the name of Allies although in practice SAC may have to agree to Yugoslavs’ performing actual administration.
AMG should be established and maintained in province of Bolzano. In Pantelleria, Lampedusa, and Linosa AMG should be continued. (Above summary is not complete.)
British members of CCAC76 cabled U.S. draft to London. (Reference your 1076, March 21, 11 p.m.)77 It is learned that London’s reply has now been received and will be circulated in CCAC probably today or tomorrow. We have not yet seen it but understand that it presents the various alternatives reported in your 982 of March 15, 2 p.m. for CCAC’s consideration.