832.24/2731a: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Brazil (Caffery)

271. From Duggan.63a The War Department has asked informally whether the State Department contemplates requesting assistance for Brazil in addition to those measures agreed upon while you were here (shipment of extra equipment and munitions and the construction of airports in southern Brazil), indicating that it would be willing to consider other steps, if recommended. The War Department has been informed that no further measures are contemplated at the [Page 571] moment, but that requests for additional assistance may become necessary as the situation develops.

As soon as you have had an opportunity to exchange views with President Vargas, I think it would be well for you to telegraph your recommendations concerning any further assistance that may appear essential and that the War Department would have to furnish.

It is not my intention to suggest that such further assistance should be requested unless definite advantages would result, but I do believe that if your discussions with the Brazilians should demonstrate the desirability of further assistance, the sooner the request is made the greater the prospects of favorable action, since the War Department is in a receptive frame of mind. It would, of course, be helpful if General Walsh’s64 support of any proposed request could be counted on. [Duggan.]

  1. Laurence Duggan, Director of the Office of American Republic Affairs.
  2. Maj. Gen. Robert L. Walsh, Commanding General, United States Army Forces, South Atlantic.