103.9169 Asunción: Airgram

The Chargé in Paraguay (Reed) to the Secretary of State

A–245. For Crowley and Zopf,14 FEA. Reference airgram A–170, June 5, 1944, 5:10 p.m.15 Export restrictions imposed by Argentina do not seem to be working dangerous hardship on Paraguay’s economy so far but are resulting mainly in annoying delays and lengthy negotiations between commercial houses and licensing authorities in Argentina. An appreciable volume of essential goods is entering this country from Argentina in the clandestine trade.

The Embassy recommends no increases or additions to estimates of supply for this country at present but is keeping in close touch with the situation in order to inform the Department and FEA if any increased allocations are needed.

  1. Homer Zopf, Chief, River Plate Division of the Foreign Economic Administration.
  2. Not printed.