103.9169 Asunción: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Paraguay (Reed)
Washington, June 8,
1944—5 p.m.
176. From Crowley and Dodson, FEA. With reference to Decentralization rollback to be effective July 1 as per Embassy’s 301, June [Page 1459] 113 for materials which will not be on the positive list, the Foreign Economic Administration will:
- 1.
- Give due consideration to export applications accompanied by approved import recommendations;
- 2.
- For commodities not on the positive list, will endeavor through licensing to effect equitable distribution, referring any doubtful cases to Embassy for advice as has been practiced heretofore.
[Crowley and Dodson]
- Not printed; the Ambassador reported that Paraguayan officials accepted the proposed rollback but were fearful that exhaustion of quotas and inequitable distribution would follow (834.24/693).↩