816.00/11–1044: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Guatemala (Long)

680. Reference your 776, November 10, 6 p.m. The Department has not as yet reached any decision regarding the question of recognizing the present Salvadoran regime. While the decision with regard to the course which Guatemala should pursue regarding the recognition of the regime now controlling El Salvador and the regime in exile in Guatemala is obviously one within Guatemala’s sole competence, the Department believes that you may appropriately bring the following considerations to the Foreign Minister’s55 attention:

The question whether recognition is to be extended to any Salvadoran regime is now under consideration by the American republics in consultation. It would seem undesirable that an American republic should act other than in concert in an important matter of general interest.
The Salvadoran regime in exile does not appear to have the attributes commonly recognized by international law as prerequisites for recognition. Under these circumstances such recognition might give grounds for allegation that Guatemala is interfering in Salvadoran internal politics.

The Department believes it preferable to await the moment when some regime meeting the requisites of international law for recognition is established in El Salvador before reaching any decision in this regard.

  1. Enrique Muñoz Meany.