891.20 Mission/10–3044

The Secretary of War (Stimson) to the Secretary of State

Dear Mr. Secretary: I have your letter of October 25, 1944, recommending the continuance of the Ridley Mission in Iran (Persia) [Page 435] after its present expiration date of March 1, 1945. It is the opinion of the War Department that in order to safeguard the interests of the United States in Iran all of the problems concerning that country should be set forth in integrated study similar to the way the questions concerning Saudi Arabia were presented in my letter dated October 27, 1944.40

In addition to the present request for the extension of the Army Mission, several other matters concerning Iran are pending, for example, the claim by that Government for asserted war damages in connection with the operations of the Persian Gulf Command, the disposition of surplus war materials, and the request that surplus trucks be turned over to the Iranian Government to augment their present transportation facilities.41

With this in mind, I have asked that a study be prepared with the view to arriving at a solution as to the present and future policy on military matters that the War Department should adopt as to Iran. The views of this Department will then be set forth in a letter to you with the request that the Department of State submit its views as to the means and methods which should be adopted in order to promote and preserve any interest that the United States may have in Iran.

Sincerely yours,

Henry L. Stimson
  1. Post, p. 748.
  2. For correspondence regarding these problems, see pp. 361 ff., passim.