811.24591/9–2644: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Iran (Morris)
590. The Iranian Minister, under instructions from his Government, has informed the Department that rumors are current in Tehran that American troops may be withdrawn from the country in the near future. The Minister expressed the hope of his Government that certain American military supplies, including notably food, drugs and clothing, might be left in Iran when the American troops withdraw. He said that you have already been approached by the Iranian Foreign Minister in this matter.32
The Minister was informed that according to information the Department has received from the War Department, no action in regard to the movement of American troops in Iran is being contemplated, other than the possible withdrawal of some troops as a result of the discontinuance of the truck route.
- Mohammed Saed, Iranian Prime Minister and also Minister for Foreign Affairs, addressed a note dated September 25 in the above sense to the Ambassador in Iran, which the latter transmitted to the Department in his despatch No. 56, September 29, infra.↩