740.00119 European War 1939/9–2244
The Ambassador in Iran (Morris) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 3.]
Sir: I have the honor to report that the Iranian Government, Majlis and press have lately shown increased interest in the question of compensation to be obtained by Iran from the Allied nations for the asserted sacrifices she has made and assistance she has rendered in furtherance of the cause of the United Nations. It appears to be taken for granted in all quarters that compensation is due. As an example, there is enclosed herewith a translation of some remarks made by the Shah29 on this subject a few days ago before a group composed of the Cabinet, the President of the Court of Cassation, the governors of the National and Agricultural Banks, the Chief of Police, the Mayor of Tehran, and various other important persons, including newspapermen.
Nothing has as yet been published which would indicate the form of compensation desired. Deputies of the Majlis and some newspapers have been urging the Government to expedite the drawing up of the bill which, it would seem, is to be rendered to the Allied powers at [Page 362] the conclusion of hostilities, and the Prime Minister has given assurances that the matter is receiving attention. Apart from whatever else may be under way in this connection, the Embassy knows that Dr. Burdett Lewis of the Millspaugh Mission31 is engaged in assembling data for use in the presentation of Iran’s case.
Although no approach of any kind has been made to the Embassy as yet, I think it may be regarded as certain that Iran will look to the United States as well as Great Britain and Russia for settlement of her claims, whatever they may be, and I feel the Department should be forewarned.
Respectfully yours,
First Secretary