740.00112 European War 1939/10557: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)5
3104. From Crowley6 and Stone, FEA. We would welcome proposition along lines of your 3117 of April 16 repeated to Stockholm as 134. Any such arrangement with SKF should include assurances that all deliveries of bearing machinery (including tools), special steels as well as ball and roller bearings to enemy Europe will be effectively stopped for the duration of the war. Authorization of funds has been assured by USCC7 subject to above conditions and satisfactory arrangements with UK authorities for equitable division of costs. A special representative of USCC and FEA, Stanton Griffis, will leave shortly for London and Stockholm with authority to assist in negotiations and consummate deal for USCC.
Sent to London, repeated to Stockholm. [Crowley and Stone, FEA.]