The British Embassy to the Department of State
Recent conversations between the Yugo-Slav Prime Minister and Marshal Tito in Italy have resulted in further satisfactory progress in co-ordinating the functions of the Yugo-Slav Government and the National Liberation Movement. These efforts have met with the warm approval of His Majesty’s Government.
- 2.
- Now that the internal position of the Yugo-Slav Government has been to some extent assured His Majesty’s Government are anxious to use their influence to strengthen the position of the Yugo-Slav Government in the international field, and think that it is desirable that representatives should be appointed to the Yugo-Slav Government in London by other allied powers. His Majesty’s Government hope that the United States Government agree with this view. As there is at present no United States representative present in London who is officially accredited to the Yugo-Slav Government, Mr. MacVeagh having remained in Cairo, His Majesty’s Government hope that the United States Government will consider regularizing the position by appointing an official representative to the Yugo-Slav Government in London52 instead of maintaining their representative in Cairo.
- 3.
- His Majesty’s Representatives to the Turkish, Greek, Norwegian and Polish Governments have been instructed to make similar representations to the Governments to which they are accredited.
, September
15, 1944.
- A notation on this memorandum indicated that a new Ambassador, Richard C. Patterson, was designated on September 20, 1944.↩