860H.01/9–1444: Telegram
The United States Political Adviser on the Staff of the Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean Theater (Kirk),49 to the Secretary of State
[Received September 15—11:59 p.m.]
393. Norden reports from Bari that Stoyan Gavrilovic, Yugoslav Under Secretary Foreign Affairs, returned to Bari after conversations [Page 1406] with Tito. Gavrilovic informed Norden Tito is anxious to have able and “uncompromised” Yugoslav diplomats assigned as Ambassadors at Washington and London with the post going to a Serb if possible. Norden had impression there may be possibility of Gavrilovic being sent to Washington and that Velebit and Jukic were being discussed for London post and Wojan Simic50 for Paris.
Gavrilovic who is proceeding to Cairo and Ankara and returning to London in about a week said that on his return to London matter of moving Government to a point nearer Yugoslavia will be discussed. He felt it was vital that Yugoslav Government be in a position to move to Yugoslavia at first opportunity “otherwise it will be too late”. Apparently conversations with Grol and other Serbs are continuing but he believes it will be necessary to bring someone direct from Serbia in view of stiff attitude of exiled Serbs.
Gavrilovic stated Tito’s attitude on Kossovo would not necessarily be irredentist in view of pro-German sentiments in that region but that Tito was above all a keen student of public opinion and would adjust his policy accordingly. He asserted Mihailovich is through and American friendliness to Serb nationalists could in his opinion only lead to Russian occupation.
Gavrilovic called at my office yesterday and after confirming above added Tito had discussed with him at some length question of postwar European frontiers. Tito apparently opposed to dismemberment of Germany. He told Gavrilovic some minor adjustments of frontiers would have to be made with Hungary and Austria (Klagenfurt to be definitely ceded to Yugoslavia); that he, Tito, would fight if necessary for Trieste and that he was determined to preserve at least present boundaries with Albania, Greece and Bulgaria.
Gavrilovic added there would be a purge of Yugoslav diplomats abroad most of whom would receive small pensions and be “advised” to live abroad. He said proclamation issued yesterday by King51 would facilitate greatly task to be performed by Subasic government and that it had full approval of British Foreign Office before it was issued. He stated King Peter was anxious to proceed to this area so as to be near at hand on day of Yugoslav liberation but that Tito was opposed to this for the present.