740.0011EW/7–3144: Telegram

The United States Political Adviser on the Staff of the Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean Theater (Murphy), to the Secretary of State

45. Tito is expected to arrive Caserta August 3. He will be accompanied by his Chief of Staff, his Director of Military Intelligence, possibly Lieutenant General Marko Rankovic and bodyguard of 16. During his brief stay at Caserta General Wilson plans [to] discuss with him future organization and equipment of Partisan forces; future supply policy; coordination of operations with BAF; hospitalization and care Partisan wounded; and other questions which may arise between now and time of visit.

Repeated to London for Schoenfeld 9, to Cairo for Shantz 3.35

  1. Harold Shantz, Counselor of Embassy to the Yugoslav Government in Exile, and at this time Chargé in Cairo.