740.00119 E.W./12–2944
The Department of State to the Embassy of the Soviet Union
Reference is made to the Soviet Embassy’s aide-mémoire of December 25, 1944,93 asking the opinion of the United States Government concerning the request of the “Provisional National Government of Hungary,” recently established at Debreczen, to be permitted to send a delegation to Moscow to receive terms of armistice. Although the United States Government has as yet little information regarding the “Provisional National Government of Hungary,” it concurs in the decision of the Soviet Government to give a favorable reply to this approach.
The United States Government is also in agreement with the Soviet Government’s view that the conversations among the three principal Allied Governments concerning conditions of armistice for Hungary should be resumed in Moscow at once.
The Department of State has not received the communications from the Soviet Government referred to in the Embassy’s aide-mémoire concerning the preparations for the establishment of a provisional government in liberated Hungarian territory.