864.01/12–2544: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Harriman)

2889. ReEmbs 4985, December 25, midnight. The following is paraphrase of aide-mémoire which was transmitted to Dept by Soviet Embassy on December 25.

Begin paraphrase. The Soviet Government has already informed the United States Government about the preparations for the creation of the Provisional National Government of Hungary. This Government which has now been formed on liberated Hungarian territory in the city of Debreczen has informed the Soviet Government that it considers that the rupture of its existing alliance with Germany, the declaration of war on Germany and the immediate conclusion of an armistice with the Soviet Union and the other Allied Powers with which Hungary is at war constitute the first tasks of the Government. The Provisional National Government, with this object in view, has requested the Soviet Government to communicate the conditions for an armistice and to permit an armistice delegation to be sent to Moscow.

It is the intention of the Soviet Government to reply favorably to the approach of the Provisional Hungarian Government, and the Soviet Government would like to know the views of the United States Government on this question.

The Soviet Government considers that conversations between the Allied Governments concerning the conditions of an armistice with Hungary should begin at once in Moscow. End paraphrase.

You will be informed in a separate telegram87 of the position of this Government.

  1. Telegram 2893, December 27, p. 938.