740.00119 E.W./10–1344: Telegram
The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Harriman) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 14—2:10 a.m.]
3933. ReEmbtel 3930, October 13, 7 p.m. to Department. An examination of the Soviet draft for armistice terms for Hungary [Page 904] presented today reveals that the document follows closely the Rumanian terms as finally signed. Articles IV and XIX of the Rumanian terms are, of course, omitted. The Hungarian draft, on the other hand, carries the second paragraph of Article X of the Rumanian terms as a separate article and includes a clause for which there is no parallel in the Rumanian terms requiring withdrawal of Hungarian forces from Czechoslovakia, Rumania and Yugoslavia. The total number of terms is thus the same as in the Rumanian agreement, namely 20.
The Department will be able to reconstruct the present Russian proposals from the following:
The preamble is almost identical with the Rumanian agreement. The Hungarian draft contains a statement to the effect that Hungary has accepted the preliminary condition relative to a rupture with and declaration of war on Germany and to the withdrawal of Hungarian forces within the 1937 frontiers from the territories of Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and Rumania occupied by it. Like the Soviet proposal for the Bulgarian agreement the Soviet draft for Hungary uses the wording “acting on behalf of all the United Nations which are in a state of war with Hungary”.
Article I follows closely in its first part the wording of the first article of the Rumanian terms but leaves out references to Germany’s satellites and ends with the phrase “for which purpose she will supply and maintain such land, river and air forces as may be determined by the Allied (Soviet) High Command for waging war against Germany under its general leadership.” A phrase is added binding Hungary to “take such step for the demobilization of the Hungarian Army as may be indicated to it by the Allied (Soviet) High Command”.
Article II of the Hungarian draft calls for the transfer of German prisoners to the Allied (Soviet) High Command and internment of German citizens whereas Article II of the Rumanian armistice merely provided for the disarming and interning of Germans and Hungarian forces and not for their turning over.
Article III of the Hungarian terms provides for the withdrawal of Hungarian forces from Czechoslovakia, Rumania and Yugoslavia, within the 1937 frontiers by October 22, 1944.
Article IV of the Hungarian terms reads substantially the same as Article III of the Rumanian terms.
Article V of both documents are almost identical. The Hungarian draft calls for the liberation as well as the handing over of these persons.
Article VI of both documents are substantially the same. The Hungarian draft adds the words “or for religious convictions” after “because of their racial origin”.
[Page 905]Article VII of Hungarian terms is identical with Article XII of Rumanian terms.
Article VIII Hungarian terms is identical with Article VII of Rumanian terms except that it omits reference to Germany’s satellites.
Article IX Hungarian terms is identical with Article VIII of Rumanian terms.
Article X Hungarian terms is identical with Article IX of Rumanian terms except that reference to Hungarian Danubian ports.
Article XI Hungarian terms is second paragraph Article X of Rumanian terms.
Article XII Hungarian terms identical with first paragraph of Article X of Rumanian terms.
Article XIII of Hungarian terms is substantially the same as Article XI of Rumanian terms. Compensation to be made by Hungary is in amount of 400,000,000 US dollars payable over 5 years in commodities (machine equipment, river craft, grain, livestock, et cetera) in second paragraph the words “or in territories occupied by it” follow the words “in Hungary”.
Article XIV Hungarian terms is identical with Article XIII of Rumanian terms.
Article XV Hungarian terms is identical with Article XIV of Rumanian terms.
Article XVI Hungarian terms is identical with Article XV of Rumanian terms.
Article XVII Hungarian terms is identical with Article XVI of Rumanian terms.
Article XVIII Hungarian terms is identical with Article XVII of Rumanian terms.
Article XIX of the Hungarian terms reads in paraphrase as follows:
“An Allied Control Commission will be established in Hungary for the whole period of the armistice under the chairmanship of the Soviet representative and with the participation of representatives of the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The Allied Control Commission will regulate and supervise the execution of the armistice terms under the general direction of the Allied (Soviet) High Command.” (See annex to Article XIX.) This wording is the same as that proposed by the Russians in the case of Bulgaria.28
Articles XX are identical.
The concluding paragraph of the Hungarian agreement is identical with that of the Finnish agreement.29
[Page 906]There are seven annexes to the draft. Annex A to Article I (furnishing of information regarding German armed forces) is identical with paragraph number 1 of Annex B to Article II of the Finnish agreement.
Annex B to Article II (internment of Germans not extending to Jews) is identical with Annex A to Article II of Rumanian agreement.
Annex C to Article IV (use of Hungarian military and other facilities) is identical with Annex B to Article III of Rumanian agreement.
Annex D to Article XII (withdrawal and redeeming of currency issued by Allies) is identical with Annex C to Article X of Rumanian agreement.
Annex E to Article XIII (nomenclature of commodities to be delivered to Russia by Hungary) is identical with Annex H to Article XI of the Finnish agreement.
Annex F to Article XVII (communication abroad of foreign missions in Hungary) is identical with Annex E of Article XVI of the Rumanian agreement.
Annex G to Article XIX (Control Commission) is identical with Annex F to Article XVIII of the Rumanian agreement.
Sent Department, repeated to London as 212.