
The Petroleum Administrator for War (Ickes) to President Roosevelt 30

My Dear Mr. President: As Acting Chairman, in the absence of Secretary Hull, of the Committee appointed by you to conduct on behalf of this Government the petroleum conversations with the Government of the United Kingdom, I have the honor to make the following report.

The conversations were initiated on July 25, 1944 between a United States Delegation headed by Secretary Hull and a United Kingdom Delegation led by Lord Beaverbrook, and were successfully concluded at a plenary session on August 3 of the two Delegations under my chairmanship. As a result of these conversations, a mutually satisfactory agreement on petroleum was reached. The United States Delegation approves this agreement and has recommended that the State Department conclude the agreement between this Government and the Government of the United Kingdom.31


Harold L. Ickes


Ralph A. Bard
Acting Secretary of the Navy

Robert P. Patterson
Under Secretary of War
by Robert A. Lovett A.S.W.A.

[Page 122]

Leo Crowley
Foreign Economic Administrator

Charles E. Wilson
Vice Chairman, War Production Board

Ralph K. Davies
Deputy Petroleum Administrator for War

Charles Rayner
Petroleum Adviser, Department of State

  1. Copy transmitted to the Department by the Petroleum Administration for War on August 21, 1944.
  2. The agreement was signed at Washington August 8, 1944; for text, see Department of State Bulletin, August 13, 1944, p. 153, or British Cmd. 6555.