740.00119 EW/2708: Telegram

The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Harriman) to the Secretary of State

2296. After Johnston39 withdrew I had the opportunity this evening to bring up with Marshal Stalin direct the subject regarding Finland raised in the Department’s cable 1550 June 24, 10 p.m.40

The Marshal stated that he did not believe at the present time any action on the part of the United States would be of any value. He [Page 604] explained that the controlling members of the Finnish Government were under complete domination of the Germans, the agents of Hitler. They were not thinking of the interests of the Finnish people. At the instigation of the Finns, Boheman had approached Madame Kollontay asking for the resumption of peace negotiations. The Soviet Government had replied that they would receive representatives of the Finnish Government after they had received a written statement from the President or the Foreign Minister that they were prepared to surrender. A week had gone by and no reply.

I said that we had heard from our Chargé in Helsinki there was a possibility of a change in government under Ramsay’s leadership. Stalin replied “these are only rumors”. He continued that the Finns have deceived the Swedes who though honest themselves have misled other people.

In reply to my further question he indicated he did not feel that assurances either to the Government or to the people that the Soviet Government would not swallow up Finland would be of any avail now. At one time in the conversation he stated that it was for the President and the United States Government to decide what course of action they wished to take regarding Finland and I got the impression that, in spite of his pessimism, he would not resent our giving informal indications to the Finns, if it is desired to do so, of our understanding of Soviet policy toward Finnish independence as outlined in your cable. I would appreciate being informed of your decision and any action taken.

  1. Eric Johnston, President of the United States Chamber of Commerce, who was visiting the Soviet Union during June 1944.
  2. Not printed; it informed the Ambassador in the Soviet Union of the reported plans in Finland for a new government and for peace overtures to the Soviet Government (860D.01/6–2444).