740.0011 European War 1939/34488: Telegram

The Chargé in Finland (Gullion) to the Secretary of State

442. 1. News of invasion21 was to Helsinki a partial release from the tension which has developed for several months. In this Finns’ reactions were probably similar to those to be found in Allied countries and in many quarters there was even the same pleasure at Allied landings, so great are fond hopes based on presence of Allied troops in Europe. Newspapers issued extra bulletins and papers with quite [Page 598] fair coverage and radio broadcasts from American station in Europe and from BBC were eagerly heard. There was however no great excitement and no particular military measures seem to have been taken although people with whom I talked were keenly interested in prospect of landings in Denmark and Norway.

2. General Lundquist, Chief of Finnish Air Force, probably most defeatist general I ever met but courageous in his views, called news beginning of end. He is for peace even at a very great price and I believe would have accepted Moscow terms of March. He said at noon there had been as yet no particular activity on Russian fronts except slight air reconnaissance activity. General thought principal obstacle to Allied penetration in Baltic was not German Air Force nor mines but Stalin. He thinks Mediterranean will be principal theater. General informed me this morning that on Mannerheim’s birthday celebration at a dinner for about 50 high officers, President Ryti definitely indicated just efforts to arrive at an accommodation with Russia were still under way. He gave no other details.

4. [3.] Erkko22 former Foreign Minister referred to feelings of relief among the people described above. He said he believed Government had made some further contacts with Russia since failure in March but that it had so far met with no success.

My 123 repeats this to Stockholm; No. 21 to London.

  1. The invasion on June 6 of the northern coast of France by Allied armies.
  2. Eljas Erkko, newspaper editor in Helsinki.