800.6363/1509a: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)
1332. Please deliver this message personally to the Prime Minister from the President.
“I have given most careful consideration to your telegram of February 20. I have noted particularly your concern that a wrangle between the two Governments on oil must be avoided. You point to the apprehension on your side that the United States desires to deprive you of oil assets in the Middle East. On the other hand, I am disturbed about the rumor that the British wish to horn in on Saudi Arabian oil reserves. Problems and questions which give rise to rumors and apprehensions of this sort also clearly indicate the strong need for arriving at a basic understanding between the two Governments regarding Middle Eastern oil, which understanding should lead to oil agreements of a broader scope.
I agree that the actual working technical discussions should be at [Page 102] the expert staff level. However, in view of the great long range importance of oil to the post-war international security and economic arrangements, it is my firm conviction that these technical discussions should take place under the guidance of a group at Cabinet level and I cannot, therefore, change my position in this regard. While the American group will be under the chairmanship of the Secretary of State, I desire to preside at the first meeting of the joint group to be held in the Cabinet Room of the White House.
It is my view that all of the discussions should take place in Washington and that, in order that the broadest possible understandings may be reached, there should be no limitations on the petroleum problems to be discussed.
I assure you that it is the firm intention of this Government to approach these conversations in a frank and fully cooperative manner and with a clear desire to reach a mutually satisfactory agreement which will strengthen our collaboration in the tremendous joint enterprise to which you have alluded. Roosevelt.”