740.00119 Control (Bulgaria)/12–2144

The British Embassy to the Department of State


According to information received from the British representative in Sofia, the Soviet representatives in Bulgaria have made suggestions that if a properly accredited Greek Mission were to be sent to Bulgaria the Soviet authorities would be prepared to consider the claims they put forward.

Since there appears to be no question of securing Greek representation on the Allied Control Commission, His Majesty’s Government feel that some kind of recognised Greek mission, through which the Greek Government could state their case to the Allied Control Commission, would seem to be the most practicable means of ensuring that the Greek case is fully explained to, and considered by, the Commission.

His Majesty’s Ambassador in Athens has therefore been instructed to ascertain as soon as practicable from the Greek Government whether they would be ready to send a mission to Sofia to act as a channel of communication between the Greek Government and the Allied Control Commission. The Greek mission could either be attached to the Allied Control Commission, which would be the more satisfactory solution, or it could be an independent body.

Mr. Leeper is to inform the Greek Government that, if they agree on the desirability of sending some such mission to Bulgaria, His Majesty’s Government would endeavor to secure the consent of the Soviet authorities.

His Majesty’s Government hope that in the event of the Greek Government agreeing to send a mission to Bulgaria, the United States Government will join His Majesty’s Government in making representations to the Soviet authorities with a view to securing their consent.