868.00/12–2944: Telegram

Mr. Alexander C. Kirk, Political Adviser, Allied Force Headquarters, to the Secretary of State

1968. We are reliably informed that Lieutenant Colonel Palmer was instructed recently that British would regard despatch of Albanian [Page 294] forces to Greece as a hostile duty and that it would remove any chance of recognition by H.M. Government. To OSS Hoxha has categorically denied that his troops are in Chameria or across the southern border in any place and said he would not get mixed up in Greek business. December 26 issue of Bashmimi FNC newspaper made a front page denial of BBC reports of such movements signed by Major General Shehu.64 Hoxha did not react too badly over plans for a British military mission which calls for a brigadier, Colonel Palmer as second and political head, an additional political adviser, an economist, a financial adviser, two intelligence officers and three roving liaison officers. Foreign Office approval is still pending. Hoxha is still stalling on OSS mission apparently awaiting a reply to his request to send military and financial representatives to Washington. OSS Bari is recommending that the mission in any case proceed January 5.

  1. Maj. Gen. Mehmet Shehu, Chief of Staff of the Albanian National Liberation Army.