
The Australian Minister for External Affairs (Evatt) to the American Minister in Australia (Johnson)51

The Minister of State for External Affairs presents his compliments to the Honourable the American Minister, and has the honour to acknowledge the receipt of his communication of December 23rd last and subsequent memorandum52 regarding the proposal of the Government of the United States of America, first communicated to the Australian Government on 6th October, 1943,53 in relation to bringing under the reverse lend-lease system those materials which are imported from Australia or from Australian sources by agencies of the United States Government.

The proposal of the United States Government has been again fully considered by the Australian Government in the light of the further circumstances adduced in the communications above referred to, for which the Australian Government is grateful.

However, all the resources of this country have been and still are strained to the utmost limit, and the Australian Government is therefore compelled to adhere to the decision previously reached and communicated to the State Department on 5th November last.53

  1. Copy transmitted to the Department by the Minister in his despatch No. 684, infra.
  2. The second memorandum was dated January 15, 1944; neither printed.
  3. See telegram 387, December 16, 1943, 9 p.m., to Canberra, p. 201.
  4. See telegram 387, December 16, 1943, 9 p.m., to Canberra, p. 201.