President Roosevelt to the Prime Minister of the Polish Government in Exile (Mikolajczyk), at London14
My Dear Mr. Prime Minister: I have had constantly in mind the problems you are facing in your endeavors to bring about an equitable and permanent solution of the Polish-Soviet difficulties and particularly the questions which you raised in your message of October 26. I have asked Ambassador Harriman, who will bring you this letter, to discuss with you the question of Lwow.
While I would have preferred to postpone the entire question of this Government’s attitude until the general postwar settlement in Europe, I fully realize your urgent desire to receive some indication [Page 1335] of the position of the United States Government with the least possible delay. Therefore, I am giving below in broad outline the general position of this Government in the hope that it may be of some assistance to you in your difficult task.
- 1.
- The United States Government stands unequivocally for a strong, free and independent Polish state with the untrammeled rights of the Polish people to order their internal existence as they see fit.
- 2.
- In regard to the future frontiers of Poland, if a mutual agreement on this subject including the proposed compensation for Poland from Germany is reached between the Polish, Soviet and British Governments, this Government would offer no objection. In so far as the United States guarantee of any specific frontiers is concerned I am sure you will understand that this Government, in accordance with its traditional policy, cannot give a guarantee for any specific frontiers. As you know, the United States Government is working for the establishment of a world security organization through which the United States together with the other member states will assume responsibility for general security which, of course, includes the inviolability of agreed frontiers.
- 3.
- If the Polish Government and people desire in connection with the new frontiers of the Polish state to bring about the transfer to and from the territory of Poland of national minorities, the United States Government will raise no objection and as far as practicable will facilitate such transfer.
- 4.
- The United States Government is prepared, subject to legislative authority, to assist in so far as practicable in the postwar economic reconstruction of the Polish state.
Very sincerely yours,
- Copy obtained from the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, Hyde Park, N.Y. Ambassador Harriman had dinner on November 21 with Prime Minister Churchill and Foreign Secretary Eden and showed them this letter, which, he reported, they believed would assist in clearing the atmosphere. Harriman delivered the letter to Mikolajczyk the next morning.↩