760C.61/9–2444: Telegram

The Chargé to the Polish Government in Exile (Schoenfeld) to the Secretary of State

Poles 104. Premier Mikolajczyk tells me that several days ago Mr. Eden, following his return to London from Quebec indicated a desire to push Polish-Soviet questions and suggested that Mikolajczyk should perhaps again go to Moscow.

Mikolajczyk replied that he regarded this as impracticable at this time. The situation was just as it had been more than a month ago except perhaps somewhat worse. When he visited Moscow Marshal Stalin had said he should discuss the situation with the Polish Committee of National Liberation. After his return the Polish Government had drawn up and submitted its proposals for a settlement. Moscow had replied that the proposals had been referred to the Committee since this was an internal matter between Poles (my 96, September 980). There were other difficulties particularly the action of the National Council of the Homeland in making Bierut the “shadow President of Poland.” This rendered it impossible for him to talk with Bierut.

Eden asked what he would propose. Mikolajczyk suggested that the British should press the Soviet Government to open conversations regarding the Polish proposals (my 88, August 30). They could authorize Ambassador Lebedev to discuss them with the Polish authorities here. If they could agree on principles Mikolajczyk might then go to Moscow.

  1. Not printed; this telegram informed the Department of the reply by the Soviet Government to the proposals of the Polish Government sent through Ambassador Lebedyev, to the effect that the Soviet Government “was passing on the proposals to the National Liberation Committee since this was a matter between Poles.” (760C.01/9–944)