760C.61/2337: Telegram

The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Harriman) to the Secretary of State

2014. Personal for the President and the Secretary. I called on Mr. Molotov on my return from meeting of first bomber mission in Russia15 and informed him that you and Mr. Hull were firm in your determination to carry out the understandings reached at Moscow and Tehran for solidarity in Soviet-American relations and that no minor difficulties would affect this determination to work out agreements on all questions.

I informed him of Mikolajczyk’s visit to Washington, of the agreement that you had with him regarding no public speeches on his part, and what you intended to say to him. I said you had confidence that the Soviet Government would carry out the commitments taken by Molotov at Moscow and Stalin at Tehran for the true independence. At this point Molotov interrupted and asked whether your attitude was still the same as expressed at Tehran, to which I replied “of course”. He said that he would inform Marshal Stalin at once and that Marshal Stalin would be gratified. I continued that you hoped the Soviet Government would find it possible to work out their Polish relations in such a way that all Poles could unite to fight wholeheartedly the common enemy. I said you hoped that the Soviet [Page 1277] Government and Soviet press comments on Poland would be confined to constructive statements and avoid acrimonious arguments with groups criticising Soviet policy, including those in the United States.

I asked about the Polish leaders who had recently come to Moscow out of Poland.16 Molotov explained that they were four in number representing different democratic parties including Mikolajczyk’s Peasant Party and that they had reported the overwhelming majority of the Polish people were not in sympathy with the London Government.

When I saw Molotov the second time he mentioned that he had told Marshal Stalin of your attitude and that Marshal Stalin was greatly pleased.

  1. The first shuttle raiding bombers of the 15th Army Air Force reached the Soviet Union on June 2, 1944.
  2. See telegram 1867, May 24, from Moscow, p. 1412.