740.00116 EW/11–1544: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Ireland (Gray)
223. Following the statement in the British House of Commons yesterday concerning Ireland’s attitude on war criminals we received a number of press inquiries regarding our representations to Ireland. In response to these inquiries we replied as follows:
“The United States Government made the same representations to the Irish Government that it made to other governments some time ago in regard to refuge for war criminals. These representations were described in Secretary Hull’s statement of September 28 last. A reply has been received from the Irish Government. If it is to be made public it would have to be given out by that Government. Certain other countries have already expressed themselves publicly as you know.
“We were glad to have the assurances in the Irish reply but it did not go as far as we would have liked in all particulars.”
This morning the Irish Legation in Washington inquired whether we had any objection to the Irish Government’s publishing its reply to our representations and we replied that we had no objection.