740.00116 E.W./9–2644: Telegram

The Minister in Ireland (Gray) to the Secretary of State

154. ReLegtel 151.51 Following my conversation with Sir John Maffey on September 21 he called on Walshe, Secretary Irish External Affairs, and said that he wished to inform Irish Government that British Government associated themselves with the American request for assurances relative Axis criminals. If Mr. De Valera wished to see him he would be glad to call upon him. Maffey informs; me this morning that he has had no message from De Valera. He thinks it probable that the Irish Government is making inquiries from Portuguese with aim of framing identical reply. We have had no reply to our request for intimation of the line that De Valera will take.

Repeated to London as number 50.

  1. Supra.