818.6363/257: Airgram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Costa Rica (Reed)
A–461. Our telegram no. 206, March 13, and your despatch no. 1733 of April 28, 1943.7
The Costa Rican Ambassador here inquired yesterday concerning the bearing of Costa Rican imports of Mexican gasoline on the petroleum supply pool. The statement given the Ambassador was essentially the same as that which you were instructed, in the telegram under reference, to give to the Costa Rican authorities. We endeavored to make it perfectly clear to the Ambassador that, while we favored the development of all sources of supplies, if Costa Rica imports gasoline from Mexico tanker borne supplies furnished by the pool will be reduced in an equivalent amount. We explained to the Ambassador that the pool principles, including this one, are applied uniformly in the case of all participating countries. The Ambassador indicated his understanding and stated that he would inform his Government accordingly.
Regarding the contents of your despatch under reference, which were not discussed specifically with Ambassador Escalante, the assignment, as requested by the President of Costa Rica, of the gasoline already imported from Mexico to the Costa Rican Government as an extra allowance, would not solve the question in accordance with the above-mentioned principle unless it is understood that an equivalent amount will not be delivered by pool tankers and the Costa Rican pool committee advises the Supply Committee for Latin America to make the appropriate adjustment in deliveries. Please clarify this with the appropriate Costa Rican officials and the pool committee and report to the Department.
- Latter not printed.↩