Foreign Relations of the United States: Diplomatic Papers, 1943, The American Republics, Volume VI

Foreign Relations of the United States: Diplomatic Papers, 1943, The American Republics, Volume VI
- E. Ralph Perkins
- Almon R. Wright
- David H. Stauffer
United States Government Printing Office
- Preface
- Colombia: (Documents 1–91)
- Entry of Colombia into a state of belligerency with Germany and adherence
to the United Nations Declaration (Documents 1–20)
- Agreement continuing in effect the Agreement of November 23, 1938, and subsequent renewed and extended agreements between the United States and Colombia which provided for a naval mission from the United States to Colombia, effected by exchange of notes, signed July 23 and August 7, 1943
- Arrangements to procure for the United States strategic materials from
Colombia (Documents 21–43)
- Purchase by the United States of two Italian tankers requisitioned by
Colombia (Documents 44–52)
- Efforts of the United States and Colombian Governments to control
financial transactions involving the Axis (Documents 53–70)
- Negotiation of an Export-Import Bank loan to Colombia for agricultural
purposes (Documents 71–82)
- Discussions by the Ambassador in Colombia with church and government
officials concerning hostility toward American Protestant missions (Documents 83–91)
- Entry of Colombia into a state of belligerency with Germany and adherence
to the United Nations Declaration (Documents 1–20)
- Costa Rica: (Documents 92–128)
- Supplementary agreement between the United States and Costa Rica regarding cooperative rubber investigations in Costa Rica, and agreement continuing in force the original agreement as amended
- Discussion concerning gasoline imports outside the petroleum pool
quota (Documents 92–96)
- Formulation of a memorandum of understanding providing for the
establishment of a cinchona plantation in Costa Rica (Documents 97–101)
- Cooperative efforts to control financial transactions involving the
Axis (Documents 102–119)
- Discussion concerning gold clause cases in Costa Rican courts (Documents 120–128)
- Cuba: (Documents 129–251)
- Cooperation between the United States and Cuba regarding certain military
measures for hemisphere defense (Documents 129–143)
- Agreement between the United States and Cuba defining the military service due by nationals of each country residing in the other
- Discussions and agreements relating to the 1943 and 1944 Cuban sugar
crops (Documents 144–172)
- Discussion concerning insurance of the 1943 and 1944 Cuban sugar
crops (Documents 173–185)
- Representations regarding intervention by the Cuban Government to compel
restoration and continued operation of American-owned sugar mill destroyed
by fire (Documents 186–196)
- Efforts by the United States to aid Cuba in price stabilization (Documents 197–202)
- Assistance by the United States in efforts to diversify Cuban
agriculture (Documents 203–218)
- Financial assistance by the United States to Cuba (Documents 219–239)
- Representations to the Cuban Government regarding taxation of United
States Government agencies in Cuba (Documents 240–251)
- Cooperation between the United States and Cuba regarding certain military
measures for hemisphere defense (Documents 129–143)
- Dominican Republic: (Documents 252–253)
- Agreement between the United States and the Dominican Republic respecting a naval mission
- Agreement between the United States and the Dominican Republic approving a memorandum of understanding dated May 20, 1943, respecting the purchase by the United States of exportable surpluses of Dominican rice, corn, and peanut meal
- Interest of the United States in the disposition of Axis properties in the
Dominican Republic (Documents 252–253)
- Agreement between the United States and the Dominican Republic respecting a health and sanitation program
- Ecuador: (Documents 254–277)
- Agreement between the United States and Ecuador detailing a military officer from the United States to serve as the technical director of the Eloy Alfaro Military College of Ecuador, signed September 13, 1943
- Discussions and understandings concerning the obtaining of strategic
materials from Ecuador and financial assistance to Ecuador (Documents 254–273)
- Efforts of the United States and Ecuadoran Governments to control
financial transactions involving the Axis (Documents 274–277)
- El Salvador: (Documents 278–305)
- Agreement between the United States and El Salvador with respect to the application of the United States Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, as amended, to Salvadoran citizens residing in the United States
- Agreement between the United States and El Salvador extending the agreement of March 27, 1941, respecting the detail of a military officer to serve as director of the Military School and of the Military Academy of El Salvador
- Agreement between the United States and El Salvador contracting for the detail of a military officer to serve as director of the Military School and of the Military Academy of El Salvador
- Opposition by the Department of State to requested sale of machine guns to
El Salvador (Documents 278–283)
- Efforts to readjust El Salvador’s petroleum allotment (Documents 284–291)
- Interest of the United States in the disposition of Axis properties in El
Salvador (Documents 292–294)
- Informal assistance by the Department of State to representatives of the
holders of Salvadoran bonds under the loan contract of June 24, 1922 (Documents 295–305)
- Guatemala: (Documents 306–317)
- Restoration to Guatemala of the defense site at Puerto Barrios and the
transfer of its artillery installations (Documents 306–308)
- Agreement between the United States and Guatemala respecting the detail of a military officer to serve as director of the Polytechnic School of Guatemala
- Interest of the United States in the disposition of Axis properties and
the purchase of coffee from Proclaimed List plantations in Guatemala (Documents 309–317)
- Restoration to Guatemala of the defense site at Puerto Barrios and the
transfer of its artillery installations (Documents 306–308)
- Haiti:
- Honduras: (Documents 318–343)
- Discussions concerning the waiver of consular fees on supplies for the
Inter-American Highway (Documents 318–325)
- Agreement between the United States and Honduras continuing in force an agreement of February 28, 1941, respecting plantation rubber investigations
- Cooperative efforts by the United States to relieve a currency shortage in
Honduras (Documents 326–343)
- Discussions concerning the waiver of consular fees on supplies for the
Inter-American Highway (Documents 318–325)
- Mexico: (Documents 344–521)
- Discussions between the United States and Mexico concerning defense
questions (Documents 344–364)
- Agreement between the United States and Mexico defining the military service due by nationals of each country residing in the other, signed January 22, 1943
- The establishment of the Mexican-American Commission for Economic
Cooperation (Documents 365–373)
- Arrangements for providing American wheat and corn to Mexico (Documents 374–390)
- Discussions between the United States and Mexico concerning operating
problems of the petroleum industry (Documents 391–404)
- Efforts of the United States and Mexican Governments to eliminate Axis
influence from Mexican firms and to plan their operation (Documents 405–436)
- Arrangements made by the United States and Mexico regarding the temporary
migration of agricultural and other workers into the United States (Documents 437–491)
- Agreement between the United States and Mexico regarding payment for
expropriated petroleum properties (Documents 492–494)
- Negotiation of an agreement between the United States and Mexico on a
division of the waters of the Colorado and Rio Grande Rivers (Documents 495–521)
- Agreement between the United States and Mexico respecting a cooperative program for weather stations in Mexico
- Discussions between the United States and Mexico concerning defense
questions (Documents 344–364)
- Nicaragua: (Documents 522–525)
- Agreement between the United States and Nicaragua continuing in force the agreement of May 22, 1941, respecting the detail of a military officer to serve as director of the Military Academy of the National Guard of Nicaragua
- Efforts of the United States and Nicaraguan Governments to control
financial transactions involving the Axis (Documents 522–525)
- Agreement between the United States and Nicaragua continuing in force an agreement of January 11, 1941, respecting plantation rubber investigations
- Panama: (Documents 526–545)
- Agreement continuing in effect the agreement of July 7, 1942, between the United States and Panama which provided for the detail of a military officer by the United States to serve as adviser to the Panamanian Minister for Foreign Affairs
- Discussions of the proposed jurisdiction of Canal Zone courts over defense
areas in Panama (Documents 526–531)
- Discussions concerning the management of the water and sewer systems of
Panamá and Colón (Documents 532–545)
- Agreement between the United States and Panama providing for a health and sanitation program, effected by exchange of notes signed December 31, 1942, and March 2, 1943
- Paraguay: (Documents 546–583)
- Discussions between the United States and Paraguay concerning defense
problems (Documents 546–561)
- Agreements between the United States and Paraguay for sending a military
aviation mission and a military mission to Paraguay (Documents 562–565)
- Discussion concerning economic assistance to Paraguay by the United
States (Documents 566–572)
- Cooperation between the United States and Paraguay to prevent petroleum
products from going to Proclaimed List nationals (Documents 573–576)
- Negotiations respecting a trade agreement between the United States and
Paraguay (Documents 577–583)
- Discussions between the United States and Paraguay concerning defense
problems (Documents 546–561)
- Peru: (Documents 584–630)
- Agreement between the United States and Peru concerning an air service, adjunct to the project of developing wild rubber, entered into on February 18, 1943
- Discussions by the United States and Peru of shipping problems (Documents 584–592)
- Efforts to secure cooperation of the Peruvian Government in the control of
financial transactions involving the Axis (Documents 593–602)
- The taxation question in the negotiation of an over-all metals and
minerals agreement between the United States and Peru (Documents 603–614)
- Agreement between the United States and Peru for the establishment of the Inter-American Cooperative Food Production Service in Peru
- Discussions of the Peruvian foreign debt (Documents 615–626)
- Aid by the United States in the restoration of the National Library of
Peru (Documents 627–630)
- Uruguay: (Documents 631–656)
- Discussions between the United States and Uruguay concerning
petroleum (Documents 631–642)
- Efforts of the United States and Uruguay to control financial transactions
involving the Axis (Documents 643–646)
- Negotiation of an agreement for an Export-Import Bank loan to Uruguay for
public works (Documents 647–656)
- Discussions between the United States and Uruguay concerning
petroleum (Documents 631–642)
- Venezuela: (Documents 657–717)
- Discussions between the United States and Venezuela concerning defense
problems (Documents 657–669)
- Arrangements to procure for the United States strategic materials from
Venezuela (Documents 670–679)
- Enactment by Venezuela of new law for control of petroleum industry (Documents 680–683)
- Agreement between the United States and Venezuela granting the United States exclusive purchasing right to all of Venezuela’s exportable rubber
- Discussion of problems concerning importation of coffee from Venezuela to
the United States (Documents 684–689)
- Agreement between the United States and Venezuela regarding the development of foodstuffs production in Venezuela, effected by exchange of notes, signed May 14, 1943
- Efforts to cooperate with the Venezuelan Government in the control of
financial transactions and in railroad management involving the Axis (Documents 690–717)
- Agreement between the United States and Venezuela regarding the health and sanitation program, effected by exchange of notes, signed at Caracas, February 18, 1943
- Discussions between the United States and Venezuela concerning defense
problems (Documents 657–669)
- Index