The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Venezuela (Corrigan)
The Secretary of State refers to the Embassy’s despatch no. 3923 of February 1, 1943 on the subject “Issues Arising from Venezuelan Coffee Control Measures”, in which reference is made to the suggestion of the Venezuelan Minister of Finance that existing difficulties between Venezuelan exporters and American importers be submitted to arbitration.
This same problem is now under active discussion in New York between a committee representing American importers and Mr. Alarcon, representing Alarcon Hermanos. In this connection there are transcribed below comments which the chairman of this committee has made under date of February 5, 1943:
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In the light of the foregoing information, the Department believes it preferable for any arrangements which may be made for the arbitration of the question to be made by the interested parties, without the active intervention of the Embassy in the matter. It is assumed that the responsible Venezuelan authorities are in touch with Alarcon Hermanos and any other Venezuelan firms that may be affected, and will be glad to lend their assistance toward bringing about an early and equitable solution.