Memorandum by the Liaison Officer With the War and Navy Departments (Wilson) to Lieutenant Colonel N. A. Costello, Operations Division, War Department
Referring to your recent telephone conversation with Mr. Key7 concerning a request made by the Salvadoran Military Attaché that the Salvadoran Government be furnished with 1000 Reising submachine guns plus ammunition and parts under Lend-Lease, it would be appreciated if the War Department would obtain the views of the Commanding General, Panama Canal Zone,8 as to the desirability or not of acceding to this request in the light of present conditions in Salvador and neighboring areas.
There are attached, for your information, the texts in paraphrase of telegrams on this subject exchanged between the Department and the Embassy at San Salvador.9
- David McK. Key, Assistant Liaison Officer with the War and Navy Departments.↩
- Lt. Gen, George H. Brett. No reply from General Brett has been found in Department files, but see reference to his recommendation in memorandum of August 16 by the Acting Liaison Officer, infra.↩
- Telegrams Nos. 150 and 189, p. 310.↩